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2018-04-18 17:05:33 安装信息网 加入收藏
所属区域:  陕西-西安 招标业主/代理:  /西北陕西国际招标有限公司
加入时间:  2018.04.18 截止时间:  



The Environmental Acceptance Service Project for Electronics and Photovoltaic New Materials Industrialization Project of Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.; Tenderee is Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.

Bidding Announcement

1.招标条件Bidding conditions


The name of the Bidding Project is The Environmental Acceptance Service Project for Electronics and Photovoltaic New Materials Industrialization Project of Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.; Tenderee is Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.; the capital of the Bidding Project is self-financed and the proportion of capital contribution is 100%. The Project is ready for tendering now; so we hereby carry out an open tendering for environmental acceptance service.

2.项目概况与招标范围Project Overview and Scope of Bidding

2.1 项目名称:陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司电子及光伏新材料产业化项目环保验收服务项目

Project name: the Environmental Acceptance Service Project for Electronics and Photovoltaic New Materials Industrialization Project of Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.

2.2 项目编号:0617-1823FY0515

Project No.: 0617-1823FY0515

2.3 招标范围:

Bidding Scope:

(1)       按照国家现行的相关技术规范、规程要求,编制陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司电子及光伏新材料产业化项目竣工环境保护验收监测报告,并通过政府有关部门评审、审批。

Under the national applicable technical specifications and regulations, prepare an Environmental Acceptance Monitoring Report for Completion of Electronics and Photovoltaic New Materials Industrialization Project of Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. and submit to the competent bodies of the government for review and approval.

(2)       环境保护验收告监测报告主要内容应包括:项目综述;建设项目工程分析;环境影响报告书及审批文件回顾;环保措施落实情况调查;大气污染防治措施及环境影响分析;水环境污染防治措施及环境影响分析;噪声防治措施及环境影响调查;固体废物污染控制措施及环境影响调查;环境风险事故防范及应急措施调查;环境管理及监测计划落实情况调查;形成书面调查结论与建议等。

Main contents of the environmental acceptance monitoring report include: project overview, engineering analysis for construction project, review of environmental impact report and audited document; survey on implementation of environmental protection measures, prevention measures for atmospheric pollution and analysis on environmental impact, prevention measures for water environmental pollution and analysis on environmental impact, noise prevention measures and survey on environmental impact, control measures for solid waste pollution and survey on environmental impact, prevention of environmental risk accidents and emergency measures survey, survey on implementation of environmental management and monitoring plan, formation of written survey conclusions and suggestions.

(3)       编制《陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司突发环境事件应急预案》并负责完成预案的评审及备案工作。

Prepare the Emergency Response Plan for Emergent Environmental Incidents of Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. and complete the review and filing work of the Plan.

(4)       完成项目排污许可证的申办工作。

Complete application work for project pollutant discharging license.

(5)       完成以验收代替新增高氯废水项目的验收监测工作。

Complete the acceptance monitoring work for high chlorine waste water project to conduct acceptance instead of change.

2.4 本招标项目共计一个标段。

The bidding project has only one section.

2.5 服务地点:陕西省榆林市佳县榆佳工业园

Service Location: Yujia Industrial Zone, Jia County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province

2.6 服务周期:合同签订且现场具备条件后3个月内完成(日历日)

Service Period: Completion within 3 months after signing of the contract and on-site conditions (calendar date).

3.投标人资格要求Bidder’s Qualification Requirements:


The Bidders must be an independent legal entity that is legally registered and established in China and exists during its operating period; the bidders shall provide the business license with the unified social credit code, or the corporate legal person certificate;


Bidders must have qualifications of environmental impact assessment grade B and above or registered qualifications of environmental supervision in Shaanxi Environmental Protection Competent Administrative Department or inspection and testing agency qualifications or radiative supervision and inspection agency qualifications. The under undertaking the environmental impact assessment work for the construction project shall not simultaneously undertake the environmental acceptance work of the construction project.


Consortium bid is not accepted for this Project;

3.4 单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一标包投标,否则,相关投标均无效;

Organizations which share a same person-in-charge or are related with each other by shareholding or management cannot bid for the same bid package, otherwise, related bids will be invalid;

4.招标文件的获取4. Acquisition of Bidding Document


Those who intend to bid, please login the website of China Power Bid joint Bidding procurement platform (http://www.365trade.com.cn) from 04/18(MM/DD), 2018, at 8:30am to 04/25(MM/DD), 2018, at 16:30pm (Beijing time), and register on such website, and purchase and download the e-bidding documents from the website. (If the bidders need the paper bidding document, the bidders can obtain it from the Agency Company at the time of bid opening.) (Note: the bid purchasers shall consider the time and costs required to complete the online registration and qualification audit, and ensure to successfully purchase and download the Bidding Document before the deadline of sales of the Bidding Document)


If you have any questions, please call the platform service hotline 400-092-8199, or call the General Supervision Office of Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company, Limited at 029-89651862, 85592881 and 85221332.

4.2 招标文件每套售价500元,售后不退;下载费50元(平台公司出具发票)。

The Bidding Document is sold at RMB 500 for each set, and is non-refundable after sale; the downloading fee is RMB 50 (the platform company will issue an invoice).

5.投标文件的递交Submission of Bid Documents


The deadline for submission of Bid Documents (deadline for submission of bids, the same below) is 05/10(MM/DD), 2018, at 09:30 am, and the place is at the meeting room on the 10th floor of Chengzhang Building, No. 58 West Section of South Second Ring Road, Xi'an City.


Bid Documents will be rejected by the Tenderee if delivered overdue, delivered to the wrong place or delivered unsealed as required in the Bidding Document.


The bid opening time is the deadline for submission of bids; the bid is opened at the submission place of Bid Documents.

6.发布公告的媒介Media Issuing the Bidding Announcement


This tender notice is released and posted simultaneously on the following websites: website of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information (www.sxgxt.gov.cn), Shaanxi Procurement and Bidding website (www.sntba.com), and website of China Power Bid joint Bidding procurement platform (www.365trade.com. cn).

7.联系方式Contact Information


Tenderee: Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.


Address: Jiaxian Industrial Park, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province


Contact: Mr. Liang


Tel.: 0912-2217136



Bidding agency: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company, Limited.


Address: 10F – 13F Chengzhang Building, No. 58 West Section of South Second Ring Road, Xi'an City


Post Code: 710075

人:王子尧  侯文强  司雪青

Contact: Wang Ziyao, Hou Wenqiang, Si Xueqing

    话:029-85592882  029-85592866

Tel: 029-85592882  029-85592866


Fax: 029-85227518


E-mail: A85592882@163.com


Website: www.bidonline.com.cn


Deposit Bank: Xi'an Chang'an University Sub-branch of Bank of Communications


Account Name: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company, Limited


Account No.: 611301151018010003843



04/18(MM/DD), 2018







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